This user account status is Approved

Central mailing services

Net Zero Profile

Carbon Reduction Progress Status

Intermediate - we have made a few changes to reduce emissions

Business Information

Company Location:




Number of Employees:

Medium 50-249 employees

Central mailing services Pledge Actions:

I have been dedicated to the role of Champion. Further knowledge would be grateful for terminology and understanding.
To be a leader in our field and our city. To achieve carbon zero by 2028
I believe with your support and our drive we really can make a difference in our sustainability journey. We want to make a difference in Birmingham and help other with their journeys. Build a chain of business that really want to achieve carbon zero.
Sensor controlled lighting. Employ local staff. Change business travel and have no company cars. Supply electric car charging points. Monitor and obtain data for power/water/waste streams etc
On going waste control reduce land fill. Reduce power consumptions with sensor lighting. Getting the education for the team so all staff understand their part in this journey.
Solar power. Produce 85% of our own power by installing solar panels on to the roof. Reduce overall power consumption with new modern compressors part funded . Change gas to electric modern forklifts
Aston University Birmingham council