This user account status is Approved


Net Zero Profile

Carbon Reduction Progress Status

Advanced - we are well on our way to taking action

Business Information

Company Location:




Number of Employees:

Large 250+ employees

Cemex Pledge Actions:

Sustainability at CEMEX is embedded in our business strategy and in our day-to-day operations. CEMEX aims to lead in sustainable construction by developing building products and solutions that have significant positive sustainability attributes and contribute to the transformation of the construction sector. Our purpose is to build a better future, and in order to do that we must address humanity’s most pressing issue: climate change. As one of the world’s largest building solutions providers, climate action has been a priority for CEMEX for many years. We are fully aware that our production processes have a carbon footprint. According to the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA), the cement industry is the source of about 5% - 8% of the world’s CO2 emissions. We also know that our end-product, ready-mix concrete, is the most used man-made material in the world and plays an essential role in society’s development and growth. This sets the stage for us to contribute to climate change mitigation by reducing CO2 emissions in our production processes, as well as the entire life cycle of our products. Recognizing that global climate action goals require stronger efforts, and ensuring sustainability is at the core of everything we do, we created Future in Action, a program focused on developing low carbon products, solutions, and processes to become a net-zero CO2 company. The objective is clear: achieving carbon neutrality. In order to reach it, we are setting aggressive decarbonization goals with a very specific roadmap to achieve them, and working with external partners to validate and endorse our commitments. Our ultimate goal is to deliver only net-zero CO2 concrete by 2050. To ensure we are on the right track, we have set the most ambitious 2030 targets available to the industry. Future in Action recognizes that the opportunity for reducing emissions is not limited to the production process but to the entire life cycle of our products, as well as transforming the industry’s value chain. Future in Action focuses on significantly reducing direct and indirect CO2 emissions from our operations, as well as providing sustainable and innovative solutions for society
We will champion this pledge by proudly working with fellow industry across the West Midlands to discuss their decarbonisation journey with them, and assist them where we can with our expertise. We will also continue to lead the industry with our targets and our strategy, and continue to set a strong and positive message that we will commit to decarbonisation and net zero. Through our state-of-the-art facilities and leading presence in the West Midlands, we will set the example to our industry and fellow corporate partners of how decarbonisation at scale can be conducted.
In October 2009, CEMEX UK and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds commenced a partnership, with a dedicated biodiversity advisor to develop a national biodiversity strategy, provide biodiversity-focused restoration advice and to aid in raising awareness of best biodiversity practice to internal and external audiences. Building Biodiversity (The CEMEX UK Biodiversity strategy 2010 – 2020) sets out a clear framework, with specific targets, to help guide CEMEX in this undertaking. CEMEX UK and the RSPB are also playing a key leading role on the development of CEMEX's global biodiversity strategy and the global partnership that CEMEX has with BirdLife International. CEMEX is a founding member of the First Movers Coalition (“FMC”), a new initiative launched at COP26 that unites more than two dozen of the world’s leading companies to accelerate innovation and the development of early-stage decarbonization technologies by leveraging their combined purchasing power. The FMC brings together business leaders with global footprints to create market demand for zero carbon solutions in this decade and jump-start the scaling of these emerging technologies. CEMEX works together with Carbon8 Systems to evaluate the company’s patented carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technology and how CO2 captured during the cement production process can be used to develop low-carbon construction products, such as alternative aggregates. Carbon8 Systems is a leader in the permanent capture of CO2 and mineralization of thermal residues to create carbon-infused, sustainable products. The company developed a patented chemical process called Accelerated Carbonation Technology ("ACT") where industrial residues are treated with captured CO2 emissions to transform them into valuable, low-carbon products. CEMEX, joined the Corporate Leaders Group Europe (CLG Europe), convened by the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership in support of a climate neutral economy. CEMEX’s leadership is particularly important in the European context where the EU is revising its climate and energy policy framework to achieve at least 55% net emissions reductions by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest. The company’s ambitious policies would have a role to play in supporting policymakers and other businesses in stepping up climate ambition by leading by example.