This user account status is Approved


Net Zero Profile

Carbon Reduction Progress Status

Intermediate - we have made a few changes to reduce emissions

Business Information

Company Location:




Number of Employees:

Medium 50-249 employees

Ellisons Pledge Actions:

Ellisons is a leading professional beauty wholesaler supplying all segments of the market from education, mobile therapists, salons, spas through to international brands. Products are bought in complete from a huge range of suppliers, local and international. The product range is also massive including exclusive distribution agreements with major international brands and our own brands, within which we develop our own products. We intend to be the leaders in sustainability in the professional beauty wholesale sector. To achieve this we need to influence internally, all business departments, and externally all product and service suppliers. One of the best ways to improve the business sector, in terms of sustainability, is by raising awareness with our customers and suppliers. By pledging to achieve the relevant reduction targets ourselves we hope to be able to promote this idea with them. For product we have a bigger challenge, as we do not manufacture, but by assessing each areas of our own business we will be able to better understand/assess those businesses that want to match our ambitions. Ideally, we would like to be able to provide fully sustainable solutions to our customers in all aspects of their business. For now we want to be able to advise on the best options and promote those.

Please tell us how you will champion this pledge and let us know if there is any support you need to assist you in this role:
We intend to champion our pledge by working with our own team, customers and suppliers to expand awareness of sustainability initiatives including SWM’s pledge but also complimentary initiatives. We explain to our suppliers our own improvements and request that they take steps towards improved packaging, reduced GHG emissions and membership of sustainability initiatives/organisations (e.g Sedex). This policy works in tandem with our customers own growing demands on sustainability initiatives.

In one sentence, what is your ambition for your Net Zero Business Pledge: We intend to be the leaders in sustainability in the professional beauty wholesale sector and continue to reduce our impacts.

Please tell us why you have made the West Midlands Net Zero Business Pledge: To achieve this we need to influence internally, all business departments, and externally all product and service suppliers. One of the best ways to improve the business sector, in terms of sustainability, is by raising awareness with our customers and suppliers. By pledging to achieve the relevant reduction targets ourselves we hope to be able to promote this idea with them

Please provide a summary of the net zero initiatives that you have implemented: Since 2019, where information is available, we have measured GHG emissions of our local operation in Coventry. We are expanding analysis, where possible, to provide a more complete picture of our impacts. For suppliers of product, we are influencing design and packaging materials. We understand that a large proportion of our business impact is from goods bought and sold. For this we are influencing key suppliers of Ellisons brand products. On products we are trying to reduce plastic packaging and examining ways of replacing product materials with more sustainable alternatives. For deliveries to customers, we are advising on more efficient ordering patterns ti reduce the number of deliveries required.

Please provide details of the results associated with the net zero initiatives that you have implemented: On measured impacts we have reduced our GHG emissions by approximately 50% since 2019. This has been achieved through reductions in car use, airfreight, in-house electricity and gas usage. On some key disposable lines, we have removed intermediate packaging after consultation with customers. For certain college customers we have arranged central deliveries where individual students collect their deliveries rather than having them sent out individually.

Please tell us about any future net zero initiatives that you plan to implement: We are already considering most parameters, regarding our own emissions, and our plans relate to continuing to reduce our own impacts but also influencing our key suppliers in treating emissions as a priority within their own operations.

Please tell us about any net zero related accreditations or awards you have received: