This user account status is Approved

The Manufacturing Technology Centre

Net Zero Profile

Carbon Reduction Progress Status

Intermediate - we have made a few changes to reduce emissions

Business Information

Company Location:




Number of Employees:

Large 250+ employees

The Manufacturing Technology Centre Pledge Actions:

The MTC is an RTO focused on manufacturing. By documenting the challenges of our own transition and through the development of technology we hope to not just enable our own transition but aid industry to transition more easily as well. We also intend to have events to help others network with the businesses they need to help them on their journey as well as, as previously mentioned, events on personal transition as well.

Please tell us how you will champion this pledge and let us know if there is any support you need to assist you in this role:
Links with businesses that could support green events and if we can do them wider than MTC support publicising. We also intend to have events to help others network with the businesses they need to help them on their journey as well as, as previously mentioned, events on personal transition as well. MTC are a good space for convening events, networking and we have individuals such as our Head of sustainability who regularly speak on sustainability and endeavour to do this in line with our commitments such as the pledge. Talking about both our success & failures in our own transition and where we can help others with theirs within sustainable manufacturing.

In one sentence, what is your ambition for your Net Zero Business Pledge: The MTC is an RTO focused on manufacturing. By documenting the challenges of our own transition and through the development of technology we hope to not just enable our own transition but aid industry to transition more easily as well.

Please tell us why you have made the West Midlands Net Zero Business Pledge: MTC believe we can not help people with their own transition if we are not committed to ours and as a business within the region this was an important initiative to be involved with.

Please provide a summary of the net zero initiatives that you have implemented: 1. Increased energy efficiency through behavioural and increased control 2. Change to more efficient systems such as LEDs & timing plugs 3. Technology down-selection for heating in all buildings 4. Supplier evaluation 5. Carbon footprint tracking including better categorisation of Scope 3 6. Air conditioning replacement 7. Server consolidation 8. Electric car charging & salary sacrifice scheme for electric vehicles 9. Fully flexible working 10. Standard basic sustainability training for all staff

Please provide details of the results associated with the net zero initiatives that you have implemented: 1. Between our original baseline year of FY2019 and last full financial year we used 1 million kWh less electricity 2. Increased employee engagement on sustainability 3. Plan for scope 1 transition by 2030 4. Scope 2 fully 0 emission using market based analysis (renewable Tariff backed by REGOs) for all owned sites

Please tell us about any future net zero initiatives that you plan to implement: 1. Heat assessment to identify best technology to change heating to none fossil fuel alternatives 2. Replace CHP with solar thermal to decrease gas use up to 20% providing some of the heat and cooling load through the absorption chiller, with further solar thermal / PV phases scoped 3. Introduce an inventory system to increase reuse / resale and remanufacture

Please tell us about any net zero related accreditations or awards you have received: N/A